Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a new year!

...and it's a snowy one so far! I've decided the snow looks best at night under the street lights...when it turns into glitter... my favorite craft supply. Speaking of crafts...
Not that anyone would be interested, but I've been in a very crafty mood lately. Crafty in the sewing, painting, card-making sense, not the clever, scheming, cunning sense. Now that our Studio (I like to capitalize makes the space seem more of an official part of our home) has been painted and all my tiny unorganized supplies are finding their tiny organized places, a rejuvenation is upon me and my list of projects is getting longer...and longer! This little miss frog is a re-do of one my Mimi made all the grandkids years ago. I have the pattern, so I made another one in a more trendy 'outfit', if you will.

You see, the Studio is only one of three rooms in our new house that is finished in our TOTAL HOME REMODEL (t.v. announcers voice-over). And by "finished" I mean it has: sheetrock (check), seams mudded (check), primed over the nicotine stains (check), a beautiful coat of paint (check), and furniture in it's rightful place. I am still deciding on what curtains to make, whether or not to paint the desks orange, a new stool for my easel that doesn't make my legs go numb, and what we're going to cover the popcorn ceiling with (beadboard, fabric, cork,....) Home updates to come. Meanwhile I have some projects that need my attention. (cue 40yr. old wallpaper calling to me from the dated laundry room)

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