Friday, January 21, 2011

Dirty orange colors

I've tackled the (will-be-soon) pantry wallpaper these past few days and I am trying to stick with it despite the fight it's giving me! (there is a great football reference somewhere here) Me and wallpaper...geeesh! Since I gave up on the laundry room paper, moving onto the next one seemed logical. Now my work clothes smell like the vinegar solution I'm using (although, I doubt the effect it's having as a "solution" here!)
Here's the close up of our fabulous 60's papered hall closet...who does that in a closet anyway? answer: the same people who papered and panelled the garage! Honestly, I don't mind the pattern, just thought it would be too busy in the pantry...and it seems a little dingy for a place that food is kept. Agree? Soon it will be a crisp color with white shelving! Hmmm, aqua, granny smith apple, chartruese...?
Also dingy: the large chandelier from the dining room (a room that we use as our studio) that 'genius Steve' moved into it's new appropriate home over our dining table. (Not ready for that photo yet, but hold your breath 'cause that room is getting close to having walls!!!! Yeah walls!!!) Even though the low light fixture is gone, we still duck around that room. Old habbits die hard.
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1 comment:

  1. KIM!!! Hi! I LOVE looking at your work, you are incredibly talented! Hope you are doing well! Love, Taber
